Group Music Classes
Music Together® is an internationally recognized music program for children from birth through age 7—and the grownups who love them®.
Music with Grandfriends is an intergenerational group experience which fosters connection through music making with the young and the young-at-heart. Bring the joy of music into your family’s life!
Check Out Our Upcoming Music Together® Class Series!
Check Out Our Upcoming Music Together® Class Series! 〰️
Tuesdays 10:00-10:45am
Music with Grandfriends
Heritage Pointe
5250 Heritage Parkway, Fort Wayne
Wednesdays 10:30-11:15am
Music with GrandfrIends
Coventry Meadows
7843 W Jefferson Blvd, Fort Wayne
Wednesdays 6:00-6:45pm
Music Together®
Mixed Ages
First Presbyterian Church
300 W Wayne, Fort Wayne
Fridays 11:30am - 12:15pm
Music Together®
Mixed Ages
Dolnick Learning Center, Purdue Fort Wayne
100 Baker Drive North, Fort Wayne
A Music Together® Class is:
A community of families sharing songs, instrument play, rhythm chants and movement activities in a relaxed, playful, non-performance oriented setting.
Music learned through developmentally appropriate activities that support and respect the unique learning styles of very young children.
Infants, toddlers, and preschoolers participating at their own levels in family-style classes of mixed ages.
Parents and caregivers contributing to the enrichment of their child's music environment-regardless of their own musical abilities.
A new song collection every semester for three years, featuring great arrangements of original and traditional songs in a wide variety of tonalities, meters and cultural styles.
Music Activities Support:
Music learning and development
Language development and emergent literacy
Social and emotional development
Cognition and general knowledge
Physical and motor development
Approaches to learning