Group Music Classes

Music Together® is an internationally recognized music program for children from birth through age 7—and the grownups who love them®.

Music with Grandfriends is an intergenerational group experience which fosters connection through music making with the young and the young-at-heart. Bring the joy of music into your family’s life!

Check Out Our Upcoming Music Together® Class Series!


Check Out Our Upcoming Music Together® Class Series! 〰️

  • Tuesdays 10:00-10:45am

    Music with Grandfriends


    Heritage Pointe

    5250 Heritage Parkway, Fort Wayne

  • Wednesdays 10:30-11:15am

    Music with GrandfrIends


    Coventry Meadows

    7843 W Jefferson Blvd, Fort Wayne

  • Wednesdays 6:00-6:45pm

    Music Together®

    Mixed Ages

    First Presbyterian Church

    300 W Wayne, Fort Wayne

  • Fridays 11:30am - 12:15pm

    Music Together®

    Mixed Ages

    Dolnick Learning Center, Purdue Fort Wayne

    100 Baker Drive North, Fort Wayne

A Music Together® Class is:

  • A community of families sharing songs, instrument play, rhythm chants and movement activities in a relaxed, playful, non-performance oriented setting.

  • Music learned through developmentally appropriate activities that support and respect the unique learning styles of very young children.

  • Infants, toddlers, and preschoolers participating at their own levels in family-style classes of mixed ages.

  • Parents and caregivers contributing to the enrichment of their child's music environment-regardless of their own musical abilities.

  • A new song collection every semester for three years, featuring great arrangements of original and traditional songs in a wide variety of tonalities, meters and cultural styles.

Music Activities Support:

  • Music learning and development

  • Language development and emergent literacy

  • Social and emotional development

  • Cognition and general knowledge

  • Physical and motor development

  • Approaches to learning

See what families say about Music Together®!