Rhythm Kids®!

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Rhythm Kids®!

Kids know what they like. For four- through eight-year-olds, it's telling silly stories, playing games (with rules, of course!), and sharing new things. Our interactive Rhythm Kids® classes tap into how big kids are wired to learn. Music games, rhythm pattern play, drumming, and more engage their creativity—and inspire them to explore their musicality in new ways, both during and outside class. (No promises, but you just might find your child making music instead of watching YouTube!) 

During each weekly, high-energy class, kids have a blast singing, dancing, and jamming to rhythms and tunes inspired by musical traditions around the world. Their specially trained teacher leads group and individual activities that get students up and moving as they learn to compose, choreograph, and conduct. Bonus: The music and movement activities naturally support several key developmental areas, including executive function, emerging math skills, and leadership.

Rhythm Kids® guides children toward developmentally appropriate music and movement activities where they can begin to take charge, lead others, and be musically creative as they:

  • make up their own drumming patterns

  • invent new ways to play rhythm instruments (shakers, sticks, etc.)

  • create movement ideas for songs

  • practice soloing, ensemble play, and conducting!

Rhythm Kids® carries on the Music Together vision to help children complete the pathway of early childhood music development from birth through age eight. Classes include:

  • 10 weekly, 40-45 minute classes held outside or online

  • Songbook, CD and Download Codes

  • Access to online drum & play videos and other educational content

Children will:

  • Explore the world of rhythm through movement, instrument play and song

  • Develop basic rhythm skills like keeping a variety of levels of beat

  • Learn to create, improvise, cooperate, and express themselves musically

Tuition for Rhythm Kids® includes family materials to use at home (recordings of our award-winning music, illustrated songbook, parent education resources and more).

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